That happens alot as an Army wife. Some people think that just because you are married to the Army that you want to hear their opinion on the wars, government, military, and any conspiracy theory out there. They also think that because your husband is a soldier that gives them the right to criticize him for the job that he does. It irks me that the thought has never occurred to them that SOMEONE has to do the job, and my husband stepped up to the challenge. If it doesnt suit them, they should just say thank you and leave it at that. That rarely happens, so I thought Id post about some common misconceptions people have and get those cleared up. *Warning this could be a long post*
*No we dont get paid to make babies. My husband is going to make the same amount whether we have 1 kid or 12. I assume military have more than one usually because of the health care and other little perks that are obscure and hard to find out about. Its also a steady paycheck and their jobs are usually secure unless they screw up real bad.
*"You knew what you were getting into when you married him."
Yes in a way I did and am I supposed to say sorry that I fell in love with a soldier? I think I wouldve loved him if he worked at Taco Bell also but he happened to shoot higher than that.
*"Such and such place is more dangerous so at least hes not there."
Umm, sorry to break it to you but he goes out on missions at least once daily and theyre all dangerous regardless of the place. The taliban doesnt just hang out in one particular area.
*"My S/O goes out of town on vacation/business trips etc so I know how you feel."
No sorry you dont. Your s/o isnt going to be away an entire year, wait in line for hours just to make a 20 minute call on a shitty connection, or go out on missions where you basically just wait because no news is good news. I also dont think theres a big IED problem anywhere your boyfriend is going.
*"Im tired of my tax dollars paying your husband to sit around over there."
Hes doing alot of things there and sitting isnt usually one of them.
*"Is your husband deployed? Oh Im sorry, that sucks."
Yeah it does suck but to be honest I think he looks uber sexy in all of his gear and even though I wish he could be home this is our life and Im happy with it.
*"At least he'll be home soon."
Our points of view on what "soon" means is very different I see. Soon to me is 2 months and we still have 6 to go. And even when he is home he is still gone. Alot. His work day isnt usually shorter than 12 hours 5 days a week. He also goes out into the field to train overnight, or for a week at a time multiple times a year. Theres also JRTC which is a month of training in a totally different state. Not to mention there are schools that help advance his career that he needs to do eventually, and theres been talk of Ranger school and if he decides that he wants to do it Ill support him being gone another 2 months just for that. He can also be called in on weekends if someone feels like it. Hes a soldier 24/7/365.
Ok I think Im done. If you have said any of these things to me dont take offense. Its mostly the random people that get in my business that irk me the most. Those people never say thank you or that they appreciate everything we all do. Little things like that make a huge difference.