Thursday, May 6, 2010

They Like Me, They Really Like Me! Award #2!


Actually more like my very first award but there was a glich and aww shit I just didnt see it! I couldve been thanking the Academy and all the little people a long time ago ha! Big thanks to Beth at Refashion Recycle Reuse for giving me this award!
Here are the rules behind the award:

1. Thank & link to the person that gave you the award.

2. Pass this award onto 10 bloggers.

Im sure these lovely ladies have gotten this award before but here ya go:

Va-Voom Vintage
~Welcome to DeluxeVille~
Miss Kitty Boo
Pretty Little Things
Temperamental Broad
Left In Stitches
Our Life in the Mint Chocolate Ranch
Pink Champagne For Dancing
Bombshell Bettie's Vintage
Bettie2Tone's Vintage Adventure

3. Contact Blogs to let them know they’ve won.

4. Tell seven things about yourself:

1. I loathe telling things about myself because I dont think Im very interesting.

2. I went to mortuary school (briefly). I had to quit because I couldnt get enough financial aid and Im still bummed about it.

3. Im a total nerd over any ghost/paranormal tv show.

4. Snakes give me the heebie jeebies.

5. Im secretly plotting the destruction of all my sons toys that drive me batty.

6. I used to have insomnia for years. Pregnancy and kids cleared that up for me.

7. I looooove shoes but truth be told Id probably rather go barefoot. Must have some hippy in me deep down.

Ok thats it. Pass it on ladies.


  1. Thank you so much! This made my morning! :D

  2. Wow! Thank you so very much! My first blog award :)

  3. i am so about accidentally hiding the annoying toys. and movies. Spy kids 3 lived under the couch for a good six months.
