A few months after a deployment is over, a ball is held in celebration that its over and to remember the fallen. And just to get shitfaced while dressed up fancy. We went to the ball this time (read: I finally convinced my husband to dress up in his Class As and wear them for an entire evening). This years ball was held at the Opryland Hotel. Yes THAT Opry. Its the hotel for the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville. Not gonna lie, its expensive, but we got a room there anyway. I could probably do an entire post on just the hotel. Its pretty amazing. Its big enough for a little river to run through it which has boat rides, and at least 2 waterfalls on the inside that I saw. IN the hotel. This is what I saw when we first walked in

Unfortunately this is the only picture I took because we were in a mad rush to get to our room and get changed. By the time we walked around that night it was too dark to get any good photos. The inside has little shops and restaurants and its like walking around outside at night.

This is me right after getting my hair & makeup done by Ashley. Im pretty sure you all follow her blog Lisa Freemont Street but if you dont you should. Shes pretty amazing. And a very nice gal if I do say so myself. Here are some pics she took of my updo.

Heres my husband after he got dressed in the room.

And one my husband took of me during the cocktail hour.

And us after the ball.

I wouldnt say it was *fun* but it was something to experience. Not everyone can say theyve been to a ball.